Mind Your Purpose

We live in a digital world where it is easy to peek into the lives of others. While having this access have its pros (such as sharing memories, connecting, socializing etc.), it also carries a temptation for comparison. If we aren’t careful, we can become so consumed with the life of another that we forfeit or get distracted from our own purpose.

Don’t let it!

Comparison is nothing new. Jesus’ disciples at one point struggled with this too, and it is a dangerous trap that can lead to pride and discontentment. Comparison not only takes away your focus from God’s purpose for your life, it is also indirectly telling yourself, and God, that you are not satisfied with the purpose of your existence. Ouch.

Mind your purpose.

When you are fully aware and focused on God’s plan for your life, you will become unstoppable. When God created you he had a vision and an end in mind. He equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your God given assignment. We are all blessed with unique gifts to further his kingdom. Collectively as believers, we share a common goal. We are in this together brothers and sisters. When we make fulfilling our purpose our main mission in life, it will give us the most fulfillment. Only OUR OWN purpose, can fully satisfy us, not that of another.

The rewards in heaven are great for those who remain committed on completing their course. Today I challenge you to limit looking around, and instead, look up. A vertical alignment with God is all that matters.

Here are a couple scriptures. I pray you gain the confidence as well as focus, to stay the course and mind your purpose.

Proverbs 20:5
“The purpose of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.”

Ephesians 2:10
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do good things he planned for us long ago.”

Lord thank you for being King over our lives. We declare that we belong to you. Thank you that the plans you have for us is a good one. We thank you for being able to fully satisfy and fill our voids. Lord forgive us for the times we may have fallen into the comparison trap. Help us to keep our eyes focused on you and the will you have for our lives. Help us to not feel discontent. Lord we know that you know us better than we know ourselves, and the capacity we are able to bare in each season. Help us to rest assuredly in that. We submit our desire for your purpose in our lives. We love and adore you in your holy name, Amen.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. virgobeauty says:

    Amen. Great powerful message.


    1. seantal_p says:

      Praise God! 🙏🏽

      Liked by 1 person

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